Terms and conditions

Gift card - Fashion Days - Romania

[RO] Pentru utilizarea acestui voucher, va rugam sa verificati valabilitatea inscrisa pe acesta.
Voucherul il puteti folosi conform termenilor si conditiilor emitentului, informatii pe care le gasiti disponibile aici: https://www.fashiondays.ro/vouchers/gift-cards/

Conditiile de utilizare ale voucherului:

  • Poate fi aplicat, sub forma de reducere, pe o singura comanda de la Fashion Days, valoarea sa fiind scazuta din totalul comenzii;
  • Dupa ce ai ales produsele dorite, adauga seria formata din 16 cifre in campul special “Ai un cod cupon?” din cosul de cumparaturi;
  • Seria cardului cadou este valabila pentru o singura comanda la care vei obtine pe loc o reducere egala cu valoarea cardului cadou.
  • Cardul cadou de cumparaturi nu poate fi preschimbat in bani si/sau alte bunuri/beneficii.

[EN] To use this voucher, please check the validity written on it.
You can use the voucher according to the terms and conditions of the issuer, information that you can find available here: https://www.fashiondays.ro/vouchers/gift-cards/

Voucher conditions:

  • It can be applied, in the form of a discount, to a single order from Fashion Days, its value being deducted from the total order;
  • After choosing the desired products, add the 16-digit series in the special field "Do you have a coupon code?" from the shopping cart;
  • The gift card series is valid for a single order where you will get an immediate discount equal to the value of the gift card.
  • The shopping gift card cannot be exchanged for money and/or other goods/benefits.

Do you need more information? Please send an email to helpdesk@vouchersdepot.com